From a Humanities Graduate School to a New Graduate Position

Could you please tell us about your career so far and your current job responsibilities?
I joined ARK in March 2023 after graduating from graduate school. During my time in graduate school, I majored in Social Information Studies, focusing primarily on media research, but I also studied digital transformation (DX). As I delved deeper into this field, I became interested in ERP systems, particularly SAP, and decided to join ARK. Currently, my role involves SAP consulting, specifically in the SD and MM domains. I work on understanding SAP functionalities and our clients’ business processes, proposing solutions tailored to their business needs, and overseeing the implementation of these solutions.
Could you please tell us about the key factors you considered during your job search and what made you decide to choose ARK?
The main criterion for my job search was finding an environment where I could grow. When I had the opportunity to speak with ARK employees before joining, I sensed the company’s dynamic and energetic atmosphere. I felt inspired to become a part of the ARK team and work alongside them, which ultimately led me to choose ARK.

Have there been any challenges you faced when you joined the company with no prior experience?
The most challenging part was having to learn everything from scratch. Not only did I need to acquire business manners, but as a liberal arts graduate, I also had to gain knowledge in system-related areas. However, ARK provides robust support in these areas. The company has comprehensive training programs and SAP certification support, making it an ideal environment for enhancing SAP skills.
Could you please tell us about any differences and similarities between your pre-employment and post-employment impressions?
My impression changed in that I found there is a surprisingly flat hierarchy at ARK. The relationships between senior and junior staff are quite egalitarian, and the overall atmosphere in the company is very positive. Additionally, since the SAP industry itself is rapidly evolving with frequent changes in information and technology, even experienced colleagues seem to be constantly learning. They not only act as mentors but also join in learning together when exploring new fields or positions.
What hasn’t changed is the company’s vibrancy. ARK is still perceived as a company with strong expertise in SAP. However, recently ARK has been focusing not only on SAP but also on non-SAP consulting, and actively pursuing new business ventures. The company’s policy seems to consistently emphasize embracing new challenges.
What challenges would you like to take on in the future?
I have primarily been involved in the procurement and sales areas of SAP so far. Moving forward, I would like to explore the logistics domain as well, aiming to gain a deep understanding and mastery of logistics as a whole.
Finally, could you please share a message for those who are interested in ARK?
The demand for consultants is rising beyond just the SAP domain. ARK offers a well-structured environment with systems and training for growth. If you are looking to enhance your market value, ARK is an ideal place for that. I would be thrilled to work with individuals who have a strong desire to grow.