Diverse Work Styles

Could you please tell us about your previous experience and your current responsibilities?
I originally worked in the service industry in Japan. After that, I returned to my home country, Brazil, and worked in SAP operation and maintenance for four years. While working in operation and maintenance, I wanted to become a consultant involved more closely with customers in the upstream processes. So, I looked for a company in Japan where I could work as an SAP consultant and came across ARK. Currently, I belong to the master team in the requirements definition phase. I am responsible for considering how to operate and maintain the quality of the data that clients enter into their systems and creating related documentation.
What do you find rewarding about your job?
In my previous job in operation and maintenance, my basic work style was to perform tasks as directed. However, after becoming a consultant, my work style changed to one where I proactively think about what needs to be done and take action. Initially, I often felt confused about what I should do, but gradually I learned to think about what I can do for the clients and how to solve problems. This process has become enjoyable and rewarding for me.

What is your daily schedule like?
At the beginning of each day, I review all the tasks I need to complete that day. Apart from meetings, I work at my own pace while managing my tasks. Although project instructions take the highest priority, ARK has a flexible working system, allowing me to take breaks as needed. Additionally, remote work is possible, so I sometimes do household chores during lunch breaks. Recently, my personal circumstances have changed my lifestyle, but thanks to ARK’s flexible work style, I have been able to adapt smoothly.
What is the atmosphere like at ARK?
Everyone is very friendly. The leaders and senior staff not only focus on work-related matters but also consider personal growth. I thought it was typical to be assigned to a project designated by the company, but at ARK, they carefully listen to the areas I want to learn about and my personal circumstances before deciding on the assignment. This makes me feel it’s a trustworthy environment. Additionally, there are many women in leadership roles, which is very encouraging.
What challenges would you like to take on in the future?
Firstly, I want to improve my skills as an SAP consultant. I believe that enhancing my skills will directly contribute to our clients, and I try to be diligent in my self-study. Additionally, I am interested in management, so I am currently gaining experience and knowledge from various projects and tasks. Ultimately, I aspire to become a manager and make a significant impact in that role.
Finally, could you please share a message for those who are interested in ARK?
ARK offers an environment that actively supports and encourages individual challenges. It is an ideal setting for those who wish to continuously explore their passions and areas of interest, rather than simply following company directives. We conduct a company overview in conjunction with the initial interview, so if you have any interest, please do not hesitate to get in touch.